On the 21st, the Seoul Metropolitan Police AgencyŌĆÖs investigation unit informed about Jung and his joint offendersŌĆÖ prosecution for violating the Narcotics Control Act in July. Channel A reported that based on the accomplicesŌĆÖ statements and account records, the police found out that Jung Il Hoon had been smoking marijuana with his acquaintances on multiple occasions, since 4 to 5 years ago. They noted, ŌĆ£it has been revealed that once Jung deposits cash into a third account, an accomplice would exchange the money for virtual currency and purchase marijuana with it.ŌĆØ Jung joined the military as a social worker on May 28th, while the police investigation was ongoing. A day before his enlistment he wrote on his Instagram, ŌĆ£as a man in South Korea, I too have to fulfill my duty. This period will be long to some and short to others, but I will come back as a healthier and happier person.ŌĆØ However, as his enrollment to the army aligns with when he was investigated by the police on drug charges, speculations of him enlisting as a way to escape the investigation became controversial. Particularly because it was just before the police handed the case over to the prosecution services. Jung Il HoonŌĆÖs agency, Cube Entertainment had released a statement on this day saying, ŌĆ£after checking with him today, it has been confirmed that Jung Il Hoon has been summoned by the investigative authorities to be questioned on charges of smoking marijuana.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)

BtoB Jung Il Hoon Investigated for Alleged Habitual Marijuana Use - 20BtoB Jung Il Hoon Investigated for Alleged Habitual Marijuana Use - 7