Yesterday, a media outlet reported that a popular girl group member was fined for illegally using the drug between July and August 2019. Soon, the outlets named Gain as the singer in question, stirring up the internet. Mystic Story continued, ŌĆ£We deeply apologize for the fact that both Gain and the agency did not apologize for this matter earlier, despite recognizing it as a socially incorrect action.ŌĆØ However, the agency explained the situation on GainŌĆÖs behalf. ŌĆ£Gain has suffered many kinds of injuries resulting from her long career of promoting as a singer. And that has caused her lasting pain, depression, and sleep disorders. Because of that, she ended up making a bad decision,ŌĆØ they shared. Then they took the blame on themselves and apologized. ŌĆ£Neither the artist nor the agency was able to find an effective solution,ŌĆØ they wrote. ŌĆ£As an agency, we deeply apologize for our lack of responsibility.ŌĆØ With the shocking news, GainŌĆÖs past remarks about marijuana have surfaced once again. Back in 2017, Gain caused a stir when she revealed that an acquaintance of Ju Ji Hoon, her boyfriend at the time, offered her a bag of weed. At the time, she wrote, ŌĆ£As you all know, IŌĆÖm the ex of a drug addict. I had almost succumbed to the temptation, but I got through it safely.ŌĆØ ĀShe then emphasized her conscience, saying that she voluntarily received drug tests every three months. ┬Ā Source (1)